Los regalos de Navidad deben realizarse antes del 19 de diciembre y de Reyes antes del 29 de diciembre



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Our round XL natural fiber brush is made from wood from sustainably managed forests. It benefits hair with a strong structure and with greater vitality. It is key to getting and maintaining different hairstyles and haircuts.

Ideal for brushing:

Its large diameter is ideal for styling if you have long hair. If you like a style with movement, try to define open and polished waves in all types of hair.

Softens the hair cuticle, protecting its hair fiber.
Naturally distributes hair oils from root to tip, avoiding brittle and dry hair.
It is a good natural conditioner. Hair with more volume and shine, hydrated and textured.
Absorbs grease and dirt.
Antistatic: fights frizz

Made in Spain.

The result is shiny, strong, live and loose hair.


IVA incluido

Experts recommend brushing the hair, from the root to the ends, twice a day, preferably once in the morning and once before going to sleep – to keep it healthy and shiny. Keep in mind that this practice and the times you do it, will depend on the type of hair you have, its length and its original shape.






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