Los regalos de Navidad deben realizarse antes del 19 de diciembre y de Reyes antes del 29 de diciembre



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Black invisible bun net,Fine and resistant, ideal for creating a firm and discreet bow. Are you a dancer? It is ideal for your collected!

For brown or dark hair



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How to Make a Ballet Bun.

  • Wet your hair a little and use a comb to make a well-stretched ponytail. You can hold it in place with a thin black band. It has to be slightly higher than the nape of your neck (not very high or very low). You can use the LARGE BLACK COMB.
  • Wrap your ponytail around itself in a corkscrew shape and then wrap it around the band in the same direction.

*If you have very thick or long hair, you can divide the ponytail into multiple strands and wrap them in different directions.

  • Tie the outline of your bun to your head using  invisible pins. If some hair stands out to the side, you can hold it in place using small pins.
  • Place the hairnet over your bun and if you want you can apply hairspray.


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