Los regalos de Navidad deben realizarse antes del 19 de diciembre y de Reyes antes del 29 de diciembre



IVA incluido


Beard and mustache hairbrush designed with flexible, rounded and sharp-free pins. They provide a soft and pleasant brushing without breaking the strands in addition to promoting the natural shine of the hair. It is an essential accessory for daily care of your beard, goatee and mustache and enhance your style.

What makes this brush unique?

  • It incorporates our System FIA patent of 360º flexible pins without edges, designed to detangle the hair avoiding fiber breakage and without pulling.
  • Enhances the natural shine and softens the texture of the hair fiber.
  • Made in Spain.


IVA incluido

Dimensions 22,5 × 6,2 × 3 cm


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