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IVA incluido


Casalfe joins this initiative by Lucía Santamaría Vallejo which consists of raising funds for the rehabilitation of her daughter Lu (SuperLu). Her profit will go to the “Rodando con Superlu” association to obtain orthopedic material and therapies for her. That is why Casalfe will donate €5 for each SuperLu brush sold. We invite you to know her story at @ superlu_6

The SuperLu brush, Detangles without pulling (S) and the escarpidor comb, proudly display a very revealing phrase that defines the tireless fight of this family for their daughter Lucía: “When things get dark, that will be when your star shines the brightest. LIFE”.

What makes this toiletry bag unique?

This toiletry bag has a brush and comb for the little ones. They will be able to brush their hair without pulling!, by themselves. And then use the toiletry bag for whatever you want! Also, you can use it to take you anywhere. It is blow dryer resistant, so you can use it while you dry your hair.

As a Casalfe innovation, its bristles are 360˚ without edges, which makes it easier to brush the hair without damaging it and, above all, prevents the hair from breaking. In addition, since it is a single piece of spikes, the hair does not get caught.

Incorporates our System FIA patent.

Made in Spain.


IVA incluido

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